
2023-02-27 11:55:21 News


Veteran long-distance runner, Philip Bandawe decried lack of sponsorship as the greatest obstacle in the quest for local athletes to achieve their full potential.

Athletics is a sport that is mainly given prominence in schools, both at secondary and primary level, and then students do just discontinue taking part in it, due to the non-availability of adequate funded platforms, after going through the ordinary schooling phase.

Bandawe is a fifty-year-old long-distance runner, who has seen it all during his prime time, but he could have gone far if he had got sponsorship to support his once flowering career.

“I am a renowned runner, who is recognized globally, but my career could not go to the next level because I had no funders to cater for my requirements, that needed funds. My heart bleeds when I look back at my hay days and think of what I could have achieved if I had sponsors. Sponsors shun athletics and only pour funds into, let`s say football, ignoring us runners, “said Bandawe.

The seasoned athlete implored upon government, corporates and even individuals to support the marginalized sport of athletics, especially in Chinhoyi and generally in the province.

“Our sport is dying and look even in my loosely assembled athletics club, based in Chinhoyi, I got several young promising runners who are failing to go for tournaments because of lack of funds. We don`t have money for transport and race entry fee charges. I do call upon any organization or individuals to come to our rescue, “appealed Bandawe.

The runner is a decorated athletics enthusiast and he took part in several local and foreign races, like the Durban City Marathon, in which he came out first. He also took part in the Stockholm Marathon, in Sweden and attained a respectable third position.

He also shone in the Macau Gulux Marathon [China], Greatest Race on Earth [Hong Kong], where he came first and third, respectively.

On his own initiative, he has over the years, managed to assemble a group of runners based in Chinhoyi, amongst whom are very promising young runners.

“We got young guys in the likes of Marvellous T Charuma aged 22 years, Obey Zuze aged 17, Tatenda Hamadziripi and many more. My wish is to adequately groom them, so that my legacy will not die.”

Bandawe also urged the youths to shun drugs and emphasized the need for discipline, if one dreams of excelling in athletics.

The veteran runner also called upon female runners to take up professional athletics and highlighted that running, is an open sport that is not discriminative.

Those with the will to help can get hold of Philip Bandawe on +263 772837764, and offer material and financial support.


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